Smoked salmon, pickled apple and watermelon radish canapé


Serves 20-30


50ml apple cider vinigar

50g caster sugar

80ml water

1 tsp fennel seeds

1/2 tsp peppercorns

1 tsp grated fresh ginger

zest of half a lemon

1 Granny Smith apple sliced thinly and the cut into small triangles

250g smoked salmon cut into small strips

2 watermelon radishes

100g thick greek yogurt

1 tsp honey

juice of 1/2 a lemon

Coriander cress and edible violas for garnish


  1. To start mix the vinegar, sugar and boiling water together to make the pickling liquor. Bring to the boil in a small pan with the fennel, peppercorns, lemon zest and ginger. Pour the hot liquor over the apple slices and leave for at least 30 mins. (preferably overnight)

  2. In a small bowl mix together the yogurt, honey, lemon and season well with black pepper and sea salt.

  3. To prepare the watermelon radish use a very sharp knife or a mandolin to cut very thin circular slices. Brush each slice of radish with a little of the pickling liquor.

  4. Place a small spoonful of yogurt onto each slice of radish, Top with a rolled up slice of salmon, a slice of pickled apple and garnish with coriander and violas.


Mini coffee, walnut and vanilla Bundt cakes


Canapé pavlovas